Sunday, September 16, 2007

knitting away

I have started the bunting for Kennedy; it is in pink camo, a camouflage yarn and I think it will be very cute. The pattern was purchased from Morehouse yarn and is all garter stitch. It is made in one piece, 120 Sts gartered for 30 inches and then neck shaping done etc. the piece is sewn together at the bottom, sts are picked up for the bands and knit in button holes. I add a hole in the back for the car seat and the front being buttoned allows the car seat belt through. When I made it for my nephew I added a hood. My grandson who is growing very, very fast will be too big for this style, so Sarah is deciding if she wants just a camo sweater or a two piece suit for the winter.

I learned an interesting thing this month. I will officially be 65 on Nov. 1, but for Medicare, since I am born on the first of a month I am 65 in October, go figure.

I will post a yarn picture later.

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